Man on a Mission

One of the biggest values my parents instilled in us was that we should always strive for excellence. I remember my parents disappointed at me for bringing home grades that were less than 100. As a matter of fact, the morning before taking my SAT’s I distinctly remember my father telling me to score at least 1800. At the time, the highest possible score was 1600.

One of the big lectures at home was that we should never settle. Never settle for mediocrity, never settle for just any woman, and they never settled for bad behavior. I was taught to believe that being the best was doing my best.

Some years have passed since that day of the SAT’s and now I have realized that my parents hunger for perfection has been passed on to me. However, it isn’t really perfectionism. I am very hard on myself because I always think that I can do better. I believe that in almost every situation there is room for improvement.

One of the coolest things about computers is the fact that you can make it better and faster, normally referred to as upgrading. There is always something new out to make hat you have better. However, upgrading is usually a ‘pain in the wallet’. I digress, but we should take this same principle of upgrading for computers and apply it to enhancing ourselves. (No, I’m not talking about Penis Enhancement)

All of my friends know me as the guy who always has a new “project” or crazy idea. Well guys, here is another one of my crazy ideas. It’s my new project and the goal is to become a better man; I want to be a better person.

One of the most difficult things in the world to do is to objectively look in the mirror and give yourself blunt criticism. And I'm talking about the mirror that shows you what really matters. If you look in the mirror and see ugly, there is so much you can do to make yourself look better. Some solutions to it is to start exercising, learn better grooming habits, try out a new hairstyle, and even change your wardrobe. However, if you don’t solve the inner problems you will always see ugly.

Lately I have been putting myself under serious scrutiny. I have realized that I’m not such a great person. The thing is that I know that no one is perfect, but it never hurts to try to be better than you are.

There are so many aspects of my relationships that I noticed need some brushing up. I want to be a better friend. One who is more patient, caring, and available. I want to be a better brother and son. One who is there for his family, someone you can depend on, and someone willing to drop everything for his family.

There are some aspects of my character that need some enhancement. I really love people and socializing with them. I want to be friendlier. I want to be a better leader. I love the vastness and flexibility of art. I want to be more creative; I want to be an artist.

I want to be a REAL man!
Whatever it takes!
Whatever that means!

Now it’s your turn to look in the mirror. What need to be enhanced in your life; what needs to undergo a transformation?

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